My Photography

Working on printing these and some others for my project in progress... for more photo fun visit my flickr (for now). 

Its Bongo Boy Blog

Thanks for the shaker... from doing a great job delivering all the info that no other website has and brings you interviews with the people in the Fashion, Music, and Art world. 


source: time magazine

Screen printing needs

For all your screen printing needs.. shirts, bags or whatever take advantage of the great prices and great quality. for more info click here.

My Room

Painted new stencils in my room today... boy on the left was made by Bansky originally... the girl is mine.. oh and banksy is having a exhibition at the bristol museum in the Uk for more info click here.


These are some of the pages on the owners side.


Im doing this sketchbook swap thing at an art store, I fill half of the book then another artist fills the other half.... this is the other half that i filled of Betsy Angene's sketchbook.